To really make the most of social networking, you need to present yourself as someone down to earth but professional. So let’s take a look at how you can do that by focusing on a few important points to remember.
On a fundamental level, you’re looking for customers. But you’re also looking for a particular type of person who is going to become your customer.
What you need to do is to find out who that person is. What do they like? What are they interested in? And so on. And once you have found out the answers to those questions, you can target your social networking efforts towards that person.
This should be easy to do if you know your product well. And it also means you won’t get overwhelmed by the volume of people on the social networking site you are targeting – because you will know exactly which ones you are aiming for.
But make no mistake – knowing your audience is the key to using social networking sites successfully when it comes to marketing your products. If you don’t know who you are aiming at, you won’t attract much attention at all. At least, not the type you are looking for.
This follows up on choosing the right sites for you in the first place. Once you have done that, don’t assume that everyone on that site is going to have an interest in you. It’s just a question of narrowing your focus even more and zoning in on the people you want to reach. Don’t try and sell to everyone because it won’t work.