All websites and eBay designs will require hosting
If you do not have your own hosting provider, we are able to offer a managed shared hosting on our own dedicated servers.A full time system administrator manages our servers and ensures that all software is updated and monitors server performance and re-allocation of server resources as required.
This option removes the requirement to configure and maintain your own server and all required communications with the service provider, along with troubleshooting and server maintenance are carried out by our own team.
This type of hosting however will not be suitable if you require third party FTP access to the server. This is to protect all clients hosted on the server from attacks that arise from opening access. If you require changes directly on the server – such as those required by SEO providers, or bulk image uploads etc, these will have to be carried out by our technical support team.
Software and database management does not extend to updates such as website platform version revisions or updates for add-on modules installed. Support included relates exclusively to the server management. Product support is available separately.
This hosting option includes the following server support:
- Software updates (patches)
- Operating system updates
- Firewall services
- Backup services
- Technical support
- Database management
- Server monitoring and recovery
- Anti-spam and virus protection
- Security scans and audits.